Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday Driving...

This afternoon, after Church, Kevin had a wonderful idea. "Let's go for a Sunday-drive up American Fork Canyon!!!" When I was a kid, this meant the potential of HOURS in a car, being bored to least from my childish perspective. Thankfully, our girls haven't gotten to that point, yet. With happy hearts and great enthusiasm, we climbed into our little car (whose air conditioning is still awaiting parts so it can be repaired...did I mention that it's been in the HIGH 90's??? ICK!!) and off we went!

We sang our favorite Primary songs. "I Love to See the Temple" as we passed the Mt. Timpanogas Temple. "Popcorn Popping" and "Follow the Prophet" as we drove through the neighborhoods. We ended with "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ" as we past the many LDS Chapels along the way. In our family, getting in the car to go for a drive usually means that some one will start singing...not well, but fun anyways.

Then we got up into the canyon. I've never been in American Fork Canyon before today. It was amazingly beautiful.

Amanda and Jackie had fun whenever we stopped. They like to look for interesting rocks.

This was the "really COOL" rock that Jackie found...

Maybe she'll be a geologist?

Amanda found a "cool rock", too. She just used it as a place to perch.

I was TRYING to be artistic...

Seeing all the beauty and wonder of the miraculous world led to a discussion of Heavenly Father creating this earth for us. We had a wonderful conversation about the precious gift the earth is and how we should always cherish it. Good Sunday topic, don't you think?

We drove home through Provo Canyon. As we passed Bridal Veil Falls, I realized that the last time I'd been there was 25 years ago!!! YIKES, am I getting old, or what?

This stream runs alongside the road out of Provo Canyon. I thought it was lovely.

Making memories like this with my family is one of the things I love most about being a Mommy. I hope it means as much to our girls as it did to Kevin and me.


Bob said...

Thanks for the drive up AF canyon. Beautiful! I'm sure your girls will have wonderful memories. And even if it's "boring" time has a way of making things wonderful! I love visiting your webpage! Thanks for inviting me in.
