Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Milestones...and changes...

I grew up in a military family. That means for the first 15 years of my life, we moved approximately every 3 years. Although I would not trade the experiences of growing up as an "Air Force Brat", it instilled in me some definite likes and dislikes. One of my chief dislikes is "CHANGE". I hate change! I will be the first to admit that I do not handle it well, at all!

Normally, this dislike of change would make being a mommy pretty difficult. However, being the contrary person that I can be... the changes my children go through don't strike me as things to be unhappy about. I'll admit that their milestones sometimes make me wistful and strike me as bittersweet, but not unhappy.

All that being said... As we came to the end of another school year, I realized that we've reached another milestone in our family. This year was Jackie's last year in Elementary school. Next year she will start Jr. High. Next year will also be Amanda's LAST year of Jr. High.

In addition to the school milestones, this year we'll be celebrating some BIRTHDAY milestones. In July, Jackie will be 13...in case that didn't register let me spell it out T-H-I-R-T-E-E-N!!! YIKES!! Officially a teenager!

*pictures courtesy of Kerrianne Burch & Preservation Media*

In October, Amanda will celebrate her "Sweet-16". HOLY COW!!!!! My first baby will be SIXTEEN!!!! Sixteen, with all the changes that mysterious age brings to us. Driving...Dating...Will life ever be the same?

The answer to that question: "Will life ever be the same?", is a resounding "NO!". But I'm ok with that.

My daughters are growing up. I have watched every stage of their lives with awe and gratitude. I am so thankful for the beautiful young women they are becoming. Not just beautiful on the outside (although they are both THAT); but truly lovely on the inside, where it matters most.

It hasn't been an easy change for me to make, but I'm learning to take the milestones and changes my children bring to my life with greater appreciation, and hopefully more grace. (and less whining)