Monday, June 1, 2009

Cleaning crew...

A few years ago our Church leaders issued a proclamation regarding the family. Part of it talks about the principles upon which our families should be founded... such as: faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities...

We had some unexpected company coming (thanks for visiting, Marie-T. We had a blast!)so we had to work together to get the house in shape. I bribed my kids with the promise of some wholesome recreational activity (a shopping trip and lunch date)in order for us to get all the work done in one day. Here's how it looked from my angle... (Please excuse the quality of the pictures, my camera battery died and I used my cell-phone)

Amanda vacuumed the stairs going up to her room...sort of..wrestling the vacuum up the stairs gave her quite a work-out.

I think I need to teach Jackie something about using the vacuum...note the plug in her left hand...

To paraphrase the theme song for Gilligan's Island: "The mate was a mighty cleaning man..."

"...The Skipper brave and true..."

The end result was a sparkling-clean kitchen (and the rest of the house too, once Jackie plugged in the vacuum!)

Ah, house and I thank you for leading the charge in our battle against dirt, grime, and germs...all with a streak-free shine! Windex, we salute you...

And now Fair Readers, until the "Good Ship Scrubs-Alot" sails again; I bid you a fond "Adieu"!