Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Girls' Camp

It's 11:45 pm... The house is quiet. It's been exceptionally quiet all day. Both my girls left for Girls' Camp early this morning. I'm proud of myself. I didn't cry, even though it was Jackie's first time to go. I cried the first time Mandy went...she was crying, too. Jackie is too cool to cry but I make myself feel better by telling myself she'll miss me....we'll see.

I was still busy all day. I had other people to tend to and things to take care of. Still, it was a little too quiet in my home and in my heart. Sounds overly dramatic, I'm sure. But I miss my children. I miss the noise they make being teenagers. I miss the spontaneous hugs and chats I get when they stop what they're doing to touch-base with "Mom". I don't miss some things, but I miss most things.

I'll be sure to enjoy having "quiet-time" with Kevin and the rest of the grown-ups here at "Happy Acres". I know I'll love having Kev to myself this weekend in Park City. But I'm allowing myself this one, brief "Pity-party" (Debbie will know exactly what I'm talking about...haha). Tomorrow I'll be better.

For tonight, I'll listen to the cats roaming the house looking for Jackie... and the sound of the house settling-in for the night...without Jackie talking in her sleep or Amanda's music softly lulling her to sleep. I'll allow myself a few self-indulgent tears thinking about my "babies" taking one more step on their journey to self-reliance and growing up. ...and I'll miss my girls....

Good Night Sweet Angel-girls... I love you!