Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Morning...Sunrise...

When we were growing up, we weren't really taught religion. However, periodically, Dad would get out this big golden record and make us listen to it. At the time, I was not aware that I was listening to a record of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's "Music and the Spoken Word". After all, I had never even heard the name "Mormon". All I knew was that the speaker had the most wonderful voice...deep, resonating, and soothing.

The phrase I heard that stuck with me was: "from the shadow of the Everlasting Hills". It wasn't until years later, after we joined the Church and had visited Utah, that I understood what that voice was talking about.

Now I get to live in the "shadow of the Everlasting Hills" (never thought THAT would happen). Each day as I return from driving my kids to school, I get to view beautiful scenery. Today was no exception.

I drove Amanda to early-morning Seminary. That meant by 6:30, I had dropped her off, and was on my way home. The sky was just starting to lighten over the Wasatch Mountains. Utah Lake was spread-out in front of me, reflecting the towering hills and the lights of American Fork. It was peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.

Not wanting the peace of the morning to end, when I got home, I stood on my back steps and soaked in the sunrise.

I could hear the neighborhood waking up around me...chickens (mine and the neighbors), work-trucks, dogs, etc. But for the most part, it was just me, a cool breeze, and a gorgeous beginning of a bright new day.

I never thought I'd be an early riser. I'm a night-owl, usually. However, I think I could come to enjoy spending my mornings greeting the sunrise in the "Shadow of the Everlasting Hills."