Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chinese Food and Bowling...

...What a combination...

We were celebrating the fact that both girls had a terrific day at school. Jackie did a great job getting her grades up, while Mandy made the school Talent Show and got an "A" on her History test. That was cause for something special for Family Home Evening. Chinese Food and Bowling was what we came up with.

At dinner, Mandy entertained us with her chop-stick technique...

The "two-handed" approach seemed to work....maybe???

In the mouth, QUICK!!! Before it gets away!!! Can you see the look on Jackie's face?

SWEET SUCCESS!!! YUM!!! Mandarin orange slices!!!!!!!!

Bowling was entertaining... We all used different approaches:
"Addressing the ball?
or PRAYING to it???"

A kiss for luck?

THERE'S an approach I hadn't thought of...

No matter how we started, the ball HAD to go down the lane, somehow...

Amanda tried "Ricochet-Bowling" (thank goodness for lane-bumpers).
Kev had great form...

...While Jackie debuted "Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Bowling"
...(don't laugh, it worked!!)

We all had different reactions to our varying degrees of success...

The goofy...

The serious...

...and the cheering-section...
(Grandma said SHE wants to give it a try next time!)
You GO, Grandma! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!

We all had a blast!
(The Bowling Alley may never be the same, but WE had fun!)

This one goes down as another successful and memorable Family Home Evening here at Happy Acres...

WHAT are we going to come up with NEXT week??!!??!!???????