Thursday, May 6, 2010

There's a reason...

...why God invented marriage...

Some call it "fate". Some call it "happenstance". Some call it "luck". Some call it "coincidence". I call it "Divine Intervention". You know, that magical thing that happens usually once in your life. You meet that "perfect someone". Oh, you know they're not PERFECT, just perfect for you. If you're lucky or in my opinion, extremely blessed, they think YOU'RE perfect for them, too. If that happens for you, as it did for me, you get to spend the rest of your life or even eternity with that "perfect someone".

I had a crazy, hectic morning. Actually, it was a continuation of yesterday which was crazy & hectic the ENTIRE DAY!!! During one of my brief stops at home, Kevin called to invite me to meet him for lunch. Of course I jumped at the chance.

We met at Cafe Rio and had a yummy lunch. We talked about life and all the comings and goings of the denizens of "Happy Acres". Part of that conversation included concerns for our kids and where to send Mandy to High School. We also talked about my upcoming surgery, Amanda's & Debra's recent oral surgeries, and Kevin's upcoming hernia surgery. (Did I mention that he was diagnosed with a hernia, today?) We chuckled at how 2010 would go down in our family history as the year of the surgeries; with four of the seven of us having surgery this year. We discussed our individual schedules for the rest of the day and made plans for spending time Mom and Dad time with each of our kids. It was a nice break from a busy day. It was especially good to brain-storm on "parenting issues" we'd both been worrying about.

As he walked me to my car and kissed me goodbye; Kev said, "You know this is just a test. All that's going on. It's not just one of us, it's everything. Heavenly Father is just testing us to see how we'll hold it all together." We agreed that making sure we keep Heavenly Father at the center of things, and remembering that He's our partner, we'd get through all of this just fine.

I sat in my car and thanked my Heavenly Father for a partner, husband, and friend who "gets it". Knowing that I get to keep him for eternity is just icing on the cake.