Thursday, August 14, 2014

"All I need is the air that I breathe..."

I flunked breathing yesterday.  It was sad, really.  I've only ever received one "F" in my life, and that was college Algebra.  I've been breathing all my life, you'd think I'd have it down by now...but, NO not me. 

I've been sick off and on for two and a half months. Low-grade fever, intestinal issues, and now a cough. The doctors have run tests - tests - and more tests...did I mention tests??? I feel like a lab-rat.  

I have an awesome doctor, who had his nurse call me just to see how I was doing after all my tests.  When he found out that my cough was worse and I was sounding like "Wheezy-the-8th-Dwarf", he had me come in to see him. That's when I flunked breathing. *sigh*  He was very kind and helped me not feel badly about failing that test, but geez...something as fundamental as breathing??? Give me a break.

All kidding aside.  Some of the tests have revealed tumors growing in my lungs.  We don't know what they are, yet, but they're there and causing me some difficulty.  I have a consultation with a surgeon later today to see how they'll do a biopsy so we can learn more. Keeping our fingers crossed.

I've had my share of health issues throughout my life. I am learning to cope with them more calmly each time something new arises.  I have amazing family and friends who give me courage, love, support and prayers. Honestly, I can actually FEEL their prayers - and they really help.  I have the best husband in the world...I know there are women out there who would disagree, but Kevin is - hands-down - the best there is.  He's my rock.

Mostly, I have my faith.  I know - absolutely that God is with me.  He knows me by name and loves me without limits.  That knowledge is a gift and brings me more peace than anything else.  Knowing that I can turn to my Father-in-Heaven in prayer and He will hear and answer me is the greatest comfort in my life. The Prophet Joseph Smith said:   "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for His arm to be revealed."

I know that I need to do everything I can or "all things that lie in my power" to get better.  But I also know that where my efforts fall short, I can trust my Heavenly Father to make up the difference - and He will!

The Book of Mormon tells of a people who were being severely persecuted.  Their only recourse was to turn to Heavenly Father in prayer.  He heard them and helped them:  "Yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord." *Mosiah 24:15*  

I know that the challenges we encounter in our lives are for us to learn and grow and develop into the sons and daughters of God that Heavenly Father wants us to be.  This health issue is another of those challenges.  He doesn't always remove the challenge when we ask, but sometimes eases the burden and helps us carry the load.

Health-wise, things in my life are a little uncertain. Still, I know that with faith, the universe will unfold as it should (to quote Mr. Spock).  In the meantime, life goes on and so will I.  

We'll be sure to keep y'all posted as we learn more. Keep the love and prayers coming.  They certainly help!


Anonymous said...

Love you Annette, praying for answers and pain relief. Hugs,
Jen Hales