Saturday, August 23, 2014

...and the thunder rolls

Howling winds, rolling crashes of thunder, brilliant explosions of lightning...that's what we had all night last night. It was enough to make you want to cower under the covers and pray the house didn't fall down around you. OR...if you were of an adventurous frame of COULD make you want to revel in the majesty of nature unleashed in all her fury. 
This morning dawned, the clouds rolled back, and nature revealed her gentle, generous side. Brilliant blue skies, fluffy white clouds drifting playfully across the sky, plants, flowers, grass and trees all soaking in the bounty of moisture the storm left behind...

How much like life is this??? When the storms of life rage around - across - through - and over we cower in fear? Hide and hope they pass us by? Or do we meet them head on and embrace them for the learning experiences they can give us?

...and after we've endured the tumult and chaos trials and tribulations bring, do we take the time to appreciate the beauty of a blue sky, a drifting cloud, or the drop of rain glistening on the petal of a rose?

This is life - in all it's majesty, glory, pain, suffering, wonder and awe. I choose to take joy in the journey (even when it's hard and I wheeze my way up the mountain)...I for one do not want to miss a single drop of rain or overlook one color in the rainbow.