Sunday, October 28, 2007


This past Friday Kevin and I attended a Ward Social. It was a costume party where we were supposed to dress our hero. Hummmmmm....what to do? What to do?

Kevin and I were discussing who we would regard as a hero. I thought of Queen Esther or Ruth from the Scriptures. We both decided that our #1 hero would be the Savior.

Since Kevin's already got the beard (and I don't haha) he dressed as the Savior. We even painted his hair and beard with temporary hair-paint, since Jesus didn't have gray hair.

I had things a little easier. The next hero in my life would be my dad. Kevin suggested that I get a skull-cap and go bald for accuracy. I won't write my response to THAT suggestion... Here's what I came up with...

I had my dad's missionary tag, so I dressed as a missionary and pinned this picture to my jacket, using the missionary tag as a pin.

The rest of the party-goers came as heroes of many varieties. From scriptural heroes, to TV heroes (Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty), to Eowyn and Farimir from Lord of the Rings. There was even one sister who came as her mom. It was fun to see where everyone got their inspiration and to listen to why they chose that particular hero.

Hopefully I'll get through the rest of the Halloween festivities without having to do any more dress-up.