Sunday, October 28, 2007


I heard this story in Relief Society, today. It was too great not to share. Hope it makes you think as much as I did.

Let me tell you all a story of two sisters… They both sat on the porch and rocked back and forth looking out over their weed-ridden yard. The one looked at the other and said, “Someday I’m going to have to get this grass mowed.” The second sister said, “Well, it’s not so bad, we can still see the street.”

The first sister spoke again, “Someday I’ll have to call and set my visiting teacher appointments.” The second sister answered, “I’ve done so much visiting teaching, I think I’ll sit this month out.”

They sighed and continued to rock back and forth in silence for awhile. The first sister muttered quietly, “We’re going to have to forgive our other sister someday.” The second sister said, “We can do that a bit later, besides, she’s dead.”

The sisters looked at each other and realized the magnitude of what they had just spoken… Procrastination and Complacency got up and walked back inside the decaying house. They passed their unopened scriptures and empty journals as they climbed the stairs to their bedrooms. They looked at each other and bid each other a good night… Someday never came and they didn’t even notice.